Katherine Hill


  • Research Fellow (Centre for Research in Social Policy)

Katherine joined CRSP in 2001. Katherine’s interests are in qualitative research in the area of welfare policy, disadvantaged groups and low income with a particular interest in the perspectives of people themselves. This has included DWP policy evaluations of NDDP and LHA and qualitative research on ageing looking at the needs and experiences of older people. Her recent work has drawn on CRSP’s Minimum Income Standards (MIS) research to look at the additional or different needs and costs that some people face (people with sensory impairment, people living in shared accommodation, or with parents), and the experiences of those whose income falls below the MIS level (families with children, people who are visually impaired).

Katherine led a series of studies (2014-18) for Thomas Pocklington Trust exploring the additional costs of visual impairment for different age groups and what this means for everyday life. She is currently managing a qualitative longitudinal study funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation looking at the experiences of families with dependent children who are living on a low income (below the MIS level) and how their needs and circumstances change over time. She also led two projects looking at MIS and how it might vary for households with different living arrangements (people living in shared accommodation and young adults living with their parents). Katherine’s research looking at the needs and experiences of older people included managing the Resources in Later Life project for Joseph Rowntree Foundation and Living on a Low Income in Later Life project for Age UK.

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