Ghanim Al Muftah to address 10,000 people at National Human Capital Conference

Politics student and motivational speaker Ghanim Al Muftah will be traveling to Malaysia to speak at the 2023 National Human Capital Conference & Exhibition (NHCCE). Ghanim was invited by the King of Malaysia to be a guest speaker at the conference. His speech will address 10,000 people from all over the world.

The NHCCE is one of the biggest conferences in South Asia that brings together a community of global forward-thinkers, thought leaders and industry experts to share their insights and perspectives on transforming our approach to human capital development amidst a changing global marketplace.

This year, the flagship NHCCE will feature a holistic approach to human capital and business development through a brand-new theme complemented by fresh pillars and exciting discussion tracks. These will be examined through the macro Southeast Asian socio-economic perspectives as well as its relevance and application to public and private sector organisations in Malaysia.

Ghanim, who is in the final year of his undergraduate degree in Politics commented “Inspiring growth and inspiring change fits perfectly in my community as a positive forward thinker. When we empower leaders, they inspire others to be more productive and efficient. This empowerment is synonymous with my dedicated work for global rights for the disabled. My story reflects how courage and hope can enforce change and how trusting yourself can make the impossible, possible.”

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