Ukraine: nonviolent resistance is a brave and often effective response to aggression

Responses to the Russian invasion have been swift. Thousands of people both in Ukraine and abroad are enlisting to fight against the odds.

Ukrainian men between the ages of 18 and 60 are being forcibly . An “international legion” is being formed from hundreds of  volunteers. People across the world are . Western countries are .

But could non-violent resistance be an effective or even better alternative?

Advocates of pacifism and nonviolence are often ridiculed as naïve, as dangerous, or even as . Even in academic circles,  in the sense of being both dismissed and denigrated.

Yet a long tradition of pacifism counts at least one famous Russian among its ranks: . Since he penned his  around 1880-1910, there has been  that nonviolent resistance is more effective than violent resistance, even against despots. Nonviolent resistance also seems to lead to outcomes more respectful of human rights in the long term.

 is needed on this, but what we do know is that nonviolence makes strategic use of the moral high ground. As , this doesn’t mean violence won’t happen, but the nonviolent protesters risk suffering violence rather than inflicting it. The same principle was put into practice by followers of Gandhi: they knew that violent repression of nonviolent protesters would attract attention.

It’s a brave strategy, and one as potentially risky as facing the enemy with weapons. And it might not work. But it can help shift the moral balance – and with it, the balance of power. It treats opponents as human beings, and could help convince them and their supporters to rethink what they are doing and their allegiances.

It’s . We often assume it does. But any effectiveness depends on the response of the adversary, who might comply, or resist. Meanwhile violence polarises. It hardens resolves. And of course it claims victims, aggrieves friends and relatives, who might in turn seek revenge.

Nonviolent resistance to Russia’s invasion

In the case of the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, many would argue that violent resistance meets the stringent criteria of . This is a war of , of , driven in part by  and  for the geopolitical losses and the brutal capitalist .

The Ukrainians  as their president. They are in favour of  and the west. Russia might feel threatened by Nato’s expansion, but those countries that joined did so precisely because they were afraid of Russia. This invasion, if anything, vindicates their fears. So the call to fight back is understandable – and tempting.

But there are other – nonviolent – ways of resisting. Some Ukrainians have stopped Russian tanks by . People have confronted troops with . The Ukrainian road company has  to confuse the invaders.



For the full article by Dr Alexandre Christoyannopoulos, visit .