Dr Alex Christoyannopoulos publishes new article in International Studies Quarterly

The war in Ukraine has changed the map of global politics: caused a lurch towards the kind of breakdown in diplomatic relations that hasn't been seen since the end of the Cold War.

New research work by Dr Alex Christoyannopoulos questions whether current international relations thinking and practice is suited to dealing with these kinds of new and dangerous realities.

A different approach is needed to understand and work with political regimes that are adopting a more militaristic stance; their greater acceptance of the use of violence; and the changing ways in which power is being used in the 21st century.

In his paper, published in International Studies Quarterly, Dr Christoyannopoulos looks at the pressing need for international relations theory to include perspectives from the ideas of pacifism and anarchism - and how they can help to re-shape and re-balance international relations for the future.

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