SkyEarth invited to pitch idea at finals of YES at Royal Society in London

SkyEarth, composed of Geography and Environment PhD students Keechy Akkerman (CEO), Tessa Driessen (Finance Director), Richard Mason (Head of R&D) and Maud van Soest (Market and Media Director), were invited to pitch their idea for a lightweight green roof substrate to help with urban greening at the finals held at the Royal Society in London.

SkyEarth team in London

This is after having won the first round of the Young Entrepreneur Scheme (YES) 2018 competition two months prior in Nottingham.

YES is designed to develop business awareness and an understanding of entrepreneurship in UK postgraduates. At the finals this week, their hypothetical business – SkyEarth – was awarded “Best plant, microbial and environmental business plan”, sponsored by Syngenta.
