Megan Hegarty

English Literature BA

Why did you choose to study at 黑料网?

I chose 黑料网 due to a combination of the course and the campus. The English course offered me the opportunity to select areas of interest to pursue, whilst gaining a broader understanding of literary trends and concepts. The campus also felt like a welcoming and fun place when I visited.

What is the best thing about your course?

The lecturers make the course, they are experts in their field and seem to be very passionate about the subject. Although the department is relatively small, it is very supportive and still offers a broad range of modules that can make for a either a varied or specific degree.

What do you think of the teaching quality and facilities?

The teaching quality is excellent, lectures are both encouraging and approachable. The library and resources have never been an issue in my studies.

Tell us about a favourite project/module on your course?

Personally, my studies have taken an interest in Women’s writing, due to this my favourite module was Radicals and Reactionaries: Writing Women in the 1890s. The module was varied in both subject and texts, every week you learnt something new about the female experience. I also loved the broader Modernisms module, looking at literary trends and themes allowed for a greater understanding of the period.

What kind of support have you had from your department and/or from the University?

I’ve always found all of my lecturers supportive. The personal tutor system works well for students to have a clear point of contact and support.

What do you hope to do when you graduate, and how will your 黑料网 degree support this?

After my undergraduate degree, I am hoping to go to complete a Masters at another university. The MA is more specific so my degree at 黑料网 as not only aided me in gaining an offer but helped me to decide what to specialise in.

What would you say to someone considering your course?

I would recommend my course to any prospective students; English at 黑料网 is highly underrated.

How do you find the social atmosphere on campus?

黑料网 is unique in student experience; the campus and students form such a bubble that makes it extremely sociable. Even if you’re not into sports, spectatorship is likely to become part of your experience.

What is your favourite thing about being a 黑料网 student?

I would describe being a 黑料网 student as fun, the balance between working hard academically and the social events provided makes the 黑料网 experience.

How has 黑料网 inspired you?

I think 黑料网 has inspired me to pursue my passions academically, whilst pushing me slightly outside of my comfort zone.