Embracing your individuality

Politics student and Qatari national, Ghanim suffers with caudal regression syndrome, an extremely rare disorder that prevents development of the lower half of the body. But that doesn’t stop him inspiring others with his positivity and ability to make the most of opportunities.

Political change and political argument are at the centre of our rapidly changing world. Studying Politics at ºÚÁÏÍø equips you to think critically and analytically about contemporary political issues and institutions. Ghanim hopes to use his platform of influence to raise awareness and encourage the inclusion of disability perspectives in political discussions.

Ghanim and his brother on our ºÚÁÏÍø campus

Reflecting upon his first year at ºÚÁÏÍø, Ghanim emphasises the open-mindedness and acceptance of the student and staff body.

ºÚÁÏÍø offers a remarkable and highly sought-after political program. While pursuing a highly reputable and recognized political degree I look forward to enjoying the values of the universities’ community and education. It is a university that not only emphasizes the importance of diversity, but also embodies the spirit of open-mindedness and acceptance. It is easy to find differences that lead to prejudices in each other, but avoidable when the student body encompasses a proper moral compass.

As a Qatari national I faced a challenge many foreign students are familiar with, finding my way was definitely a challenge and integrating into a new society was challenging yet gratifying. I believe the ethics and norms the university upholds made the space safe for anyone to explore their creativity and ingenuity freely.

Influencing others

Boasting over 3 million Instagram followers, Ghanim hopes to use his platform as an opportunity to break stigmas and overcome barriers to inclusion in society.

Having influence is a great responsibility, it is of the utmost importance that people understand how serious influence is and the ideologies one chooses to represent. In my life I have had many opportunities that have only been made possible due to the exposure I have. I think it has opened many doors for me personally, given me confidence and above all I hope to be of use to others for inspiration. I have always aimed at transparency with my audience because I believe I can break many stigmas this way and portray my authentic self.

Ghanim excels in a number of sports, including swimming, climbing, skateboarding and football. Despite suffering with a disability, Ghanim often gets around campus on his skateboard. Check out his video below showcasing his day-in-the-life at ºÚÁÏÍø.

The university is very wheelchair accessible. They have a full team to support people with special needs to make sure they can fulfil all what they want. Accessibility is imperative for independence and better social integration in societies - in this case academic integration. As a member of the disabled community, I can attest to the extraordinary work ºÚÁÏÍø has accomplished.

Becoming a World Cup Ambassador

Ahead of the FIFA World Cup this winter, Ghanim was proudly selected as one of the Ambassadors for the tournament and is determined to use this responsibility to promote solidarity and peace.

I look at the FIFA tournament as a unique opportunity to resolve differences peacefully, coming together supporting each other’s prosperity, it is a celebration of diversity with an overarching principle of sportsmanship and mutual respect. The post-pandemic world is very different from the one we used to live in, we all have learned from this crisis that we need more solidarity, within and among societies. Only in this joint effort can we overcome present and future conflicts. Within my capacities as a FWC ambassador, I want to send a message of hope, inclusivity, peace, and unity for humanity.

To find out more about Ghanim's experience as an ambassador, explore FIFA's official news coverage including their episode of Living Football which includes a feature on Ghanim. 

Planning future impact

When discussing plans and motivations for the future, Ghanim continues to strive to make change and fuse together the knowledge gained from his Politics degree and his real-world experiences to continue to push boundaries and make a difference.

Today, many of the world’s 1 billion disabled women and men still struggle to overcome barriers blocking their human rights and inclusion in societies. Despite existing legal frameworks at the international, national and local levels, millions of disabled people remain marginalized, lacking access to work, fair treatment and basic services such as health care and education.

In my future I pledge to always support efforts to raise awareness and advocate for the importance of including a disability perspective in the political discussions. I hope to help raise public awareness on disability rights; foster respect for disabled persons and though the process promotes more inclusive and tolerant societies.

Pursue your passion for Politics

Our online prospectus has everything you need to know about Politics at ºÚÁÏÍø, the courses we offer and information about how to apply.

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