Health and welfare

We take your health and well-being seriously, which is why we offer a range of support services.

Counselling Service

Our Counselling Service comprises a well-established and experienced team of counsellors who are on-hand to provide you with an opportunity to talk and reflect with a professionally-trained person who is outside your immediate situation. You can talk to us about any personal, social or emotional concerns that you have, which may or may not be affecting your studies.

Counselling can help you to find ways forward, make decisions, gain new perspectives and discover solutions, as well as coming to terms with, and managing, challenging life events.

Disability Office and Mental Health Support Team

The Disability Office arranges support for students with a wide range of disabilities, including physical disabilities, specific learning differences, sensory impairments and more.

Our Mental Health Support Team provides support to students who face barriers affecting their ability to study as a result of mental health issues.

The University has good access for students who are wheelchair users or who have mobility difficulties. There is car parking on campus, most of our buildings are wheelchair accessible and adapted bedrooms are available in most halls of residence across campus.

We can also help you to apply to your funding body or social services department for the support you require.

You are invited to contact us to discuss any support or additional facilities you may require and we recommend that you do this before applying.

University Chaplaincy

Our Chaplaincy is the focus of religious, spiritual and faith based activities on campus. It includes a dedicated Christian chapel, a Muslim prayer room, a quiet room, a small specialist library and a number of rooms and facilities that can be used by student faith groups, individual members of world faiths and others.

The Chaplaincy is also home to the University chaplains from the major world faiths. The chaplains are available to all students of any religion or of none. Their purpose is to provide confidential pastoral support and advocacy, as well as encouraging the exploration of contemporary faith issues through events, activities and campaigns throughout the year.

Student medical facilities

The  is situated in the centre of the campus, close to our Student Village. It is open from 8.00am to 5.30pm from Monday to Friday and provides a range of GP and nurse appointments. Lifestyle checks and advice on all health-related issues are also available to you on a completely confidential basis.

We also have a dental practice and optician located next to our Students’ Union building.

International Student Advice and Support Service

Our dedicated International Student Advice and Support Service can help with the practical aspects of moving to the UK, including registering with the police, housing, accessing healthcare and managing your money. 

Campus nursery

We have our very own which provides a safe place for development, learning and play, offering 102 places for children aged 0 to 5 years for students, University staff and the local community.