Cultural hub

LU Arts offers you a wide variety of arts events and opportunities, including arts and crafts workshops, open mic performance nights, music tuition and music practice rooms, creative writing classes, screenings, exhibitions and discussion events.

If you are looking to get involved in the arts and develop your own creativity, then why not join the University choir or perform at Speech Bubble? If you play an instrument, then you could join the string orchestra or take up the subsidised music tuition on offer. You can also take classes in creative writing, pottery, painting and drawing, or join a book club.

LU Arts also runs , a contemporary arts strand, where we invite artists to produce new work in response to (and as part of) research undertaken across the University. The artistic outputs from these projects can include discursive events, workshops, performances, publications, exhibitions and installations, that allow you to engage with the research in a completely different way.

For talented musicians, performers and artists, there are annual music and arts scholarships available, with financial support and a package of tuition/mentoring. If you have a creative skill, there are opportunities to become an arts workshop leader and be paid to run workshops for other students, as well as receiving training in how to do this.

The Martin Hall Gallery hosts lunchtime exhibitions throughout the year and this space can be booked by postgraduate students as well as staff, to showcase your research.

Based in the Martin Hall Building, LU Arts provides a number of music rehearsal rooms, equipped with pianos, which you can use free of charge, seven days a week.

LU Arts events and opportunities are open to all postgraduate students, no matter your degree discipline.