You and Your Business: ‘Where’s your head at’?

Whether you’re thinking about starting a business or it’s already in existence, it’s vital that you understand your values and your business's solution to that problem you're trying to solve.

Knowing who you are and how to regularly reflect on your journey will keep you focused and motivated as you move forward. The resources below are here to help you do just that.

Idea Generation

Here, we provide you with some key methods for generating ideas and look at how to understand which are most feasible.

Business BINGO! Which stage of your journey are you at?

Use our unique bingo-style card of statements to think about the stage you are at and reflect on these key thoughts to understand where to go next.

The Business Model Canvas

A key tool and template that we’ll bring to you in workshops to help you plan and develop your business idea, value proposition and much more in plenty of detail.

Building Your Start Up Team

As part of a start up you may have skills/knowedge gaps that can be filled with partners or bringing new people on board.

Make it British Podcast

The Make it British Podcast shines a light on British brands and UK manufacturers.