Hall sport

Every year we hold a one day Ultimate Frisbee event and every hall is welcome to get involved and compete for the title.

No Ultimate Frisbee AU club members are eligible to take part in the event.

Points Scale: C

Venue: SDW


Playing zone and players

  • Played on a rectangular court with end-zones at each end
  • Squads of 8 (Min 3 girls and 5 boys) with a minimum of 2 girls on the pitch at all times

Initiate play

  • Each point begins with both teams lining up on the front of their respective end-zone line
  • The defence throws (“pulls”) the disc to the offense
  • The team that pulls to start the game is usually decided in a manner similar to a coin toss. Instead of using a coin often an ultimate frisbee disc is used
  • Pulls are long throws, and they are thrown in efforts of giving the offensive team poor field position and a chance for the defence to get down the field soon enough to stop advances
  • The pull is often started by a member of the defending team raising one arm with the disc to show that they are ready to pull the disc and begin play


  • When the disc is caught in the opposite endzone to where a team started, a point is scored
  • After a point is scored, the teams exchange ends (the team who just scored remains in that endzone, and the opposing team takes the opposite endzone)

Movement of the disc

  • The disc may be advanced in any direction by completing a pass to a teammate
  • Players may not run with the disc
  • After catching a pass, a player is required to come to a stop as quickly as possible, and then can only move their non-pivot foot
  • The thrower may only catch their own throw if another player touches it in-between in the air
  • The person with the disc has eight seconds to throw the disc. This period is known as the “stall”, and each second is counted out (a stall count) by a defender (the marker), who must be standing within three meters of the thrower i.e. the marker should say: “stalling one, two, three…” When “eight” is said then this is a “stall out” which is a turnover, the person with the disc put it on the floor and the other team begins possession
  • A player may keep the disc for longer than eight seconds if no marker is within three meters, or if the marker is not counting the stall
  • If there is a change of marker, the new marker must restart the stall from zero

Change of possession (鈥渢urnovers鈥)

  • Throw-away — the thrower misses his target and the disc falls to the ground
  • Drop — the receiver does not catch the disc
  • Block — a defender deflects the disc in mid flight, causing it to hit the ground
  • Interception — a defender catches (or hits to the ground/out) a disc thrown by the offense
  • Out of bounds — the disc lands out of bounds, hits an object out of bounds or is caught by a player who lands out of bounds or leaps from outside the playing field
  • Stall out — see above in “4. Movement of the disc”
  • When this happens the defence gains possession of the disc where it comes to a stop on the field of play, or where it first travelled out of bounds. Play does not stop because of a turnover


  • Players not in the game may replace players in the game after a score and during an injury timeout


  • No physical contact is allowed between players
  • A foul occurs when contact is made

Self-refereeing and 鈥榮pirit of the game鈥

  • Players are responsible for their own foul and line calls
  • Players resolve their own disputes
  • Ultimate stresses sportsmanship and fair play. Competitive play is encouraged, but never at the expense of respect between players, adherence to the rules, and the basic joy of play

Stopping play

  • Fouls – A foul is the result of contact between players, although incidental contact (not affecting the play) does not constitute a foul. When a foul disrupts possession, the play resumes as if the possession were retained. If the player committing the foul disagrees with (contests) the foul call, the disc is returned to the last thrower
  • Violations – A violation occurs when a player violates the rules but does not initiate physical contact. Common violations include travelling with the disc (moving the non-pivot foot whilst in possession), double teaming (more than one defensive player within 3 meters of the offensive player with the disc – without another offensive player), and a “pick” (moving in a manner so as to obstruct the movement of any player on the defensive team)
  • Injuries – Play stops whenever a player is injured—this is considered an injury time-out. The injured person must then leave the field, and a substitute may come in. If an injured player is substituted for, the opposing team may also substitute a player

Get involved

To play Ultimate Frisbee for your hall you just need to contact one of the sport secretaries. Email us with your name, hall and the sport you want to play in.  

Email us