Council tax for pre-sessional students

The University provides a number of pre-sessional English language programmes to prepare international students for their main degree programme.  If you are registered on a pre-sessional programme you are not considered a ‘student’ for council tax purposes, as to meet the requirement your course must last for at least an academic year.  This applies even if you have a visa that covers the pre-sessional and main degree course combined.     

Despite not having ‘student’ status you will not have to pay council tax if you live in halls of residence, as this kind of accommodation is exempt.

If you live in private rented accommodation council tax will likely be payable and depending on the circumstances you may be liable to pay the bill.

From the start date of your main degree programme you will be considered a ‘student’ for council tax purposes, and in most cases this will mean you will no longer have to pay.

What if I receive a bill from the Council?

Do not ignore a council tax bill if you receive one, as you can be taken to court for non-payment and you can incur further costs.

It is important to contact the council and provide any information that is requested. If you are liable, you will need to make arrangements to pay.

How can the University support me?

If you receive a council tax bill and need further guidance the Student Advice and Support Service can: 

    • offer advice
    • help you contact the relevant council
    • make representations on your behalf.

You can book an appointment at the Student Advice and Support Service through the , by emailing or calling 01509 222765

Last Updated: 15th March 2023