
Careers Network

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Digital Fluency

Digital Fluency

You don’t have to study Computer Science to have digital fluency. We live in a digital world in which we use technology in almost every aspect of our lives, both personally and professionally.

Having digital fluency in the workplace is a skill is highly sought after by employers to ensure they stay ahead of the curve within their industry.  

Most job descriptions will refer to some usage of software, so being able to evidence how you have used both basic and specialist software packages can help make you stand out with your job applications. If you feel you would benefit from developing your digital fluency, consider taking a look on the online resources within Personal Best to see the range of options available. You can also consider asking a friend, watching tutorial videos or doing a LinkedIn Learning course. 

However, the usage of technology leaves a digital footprint. It is essential to have an awareness of GDPR compliancy and safety within the technology you are using.