Careers Network

Explore career options

Help getting started with your own business or becoming self-employed

Have you got an idea for a business?

Thinking about becoming self-employed?

From inspired idea to the next big business start-up, we're here to support students and graduates on their enterprise journeys. By providing valuable opportunities to develop an entrepreneurial mindset, we help you to develop the skills and knowledge you need to get started!

By providing valuable opportunities for you to develop a highly-desirable entrepreneurial mindset – through training, start-up funding and by becoming a member of our unique creative community – LEN can help you to access the skills and knowledge you need to get started!

Take a look at the LEN website to find out more about what we do and what we can offer you.

As well as all of the above, you can access a range of business resources from the LEN team remotely, too!

Are you an international student wanting to know more about the support available to you for setting up a business?

See the information on our Start-Up Visa process.

Want to keep in touch?

Sign up to our  or email the team with your queries at LEN@Lboro.ac.uk.