Customer service

We welcome feedback from our customers.

How to give your feedback

You can complete the feedback form or you can email us.

You will receive an automatic response to acknowledge your form or email. Our Customer Services team will endeavour to respond and resolve any issues within 5 working days, following through to a successful conclusion.

Feedback form

Do you have a problem?

The sooner we know there is a problem, the sooner we can solve it. If you have a problem, query or complaint regarding our accommodation or catering service, you should contact your Hall Management team or Front of House Manager.

If you need explanation or have a query regarding your Hall of Residence Licence Terms and Conditions or the services of the Student Accommodation Centre, please contact the Student Accommodation Centre.

Complaint process

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your contact with us, in the first instance please ask for your issue to be referred to the relevant section Manager.

If you are still not satisfied with the response or action taken as a result of your contact, you can take it further by completing the feedback form or via email. Customer Services will investigate your complaint and respond to you within 5 working days.

If you are still not happy with the response to the investigation, Customer Services will escalate your complaint to either the Student Accommodation Manager or Head of Operations and Student Accommodation Services depending on the nature of the complaint.

Any appeal or complaint regarding accommodation, condition of the Premises or issues arising specifically from the Halls of Residence Licence Terms and Conditions, should reach Customer Services within 10 working days of the end of the Licence.

University owned or managed halls

If you reside in a University owned or managed hall and are still not satisfied with your response, you will then be referred to the University Student Complaints Procedures as per . The purpose of this Ordinance is to set out procedures which enable the University to address individual student complaints promptly and fairly.

The University is a member of the for the Management of Student Housing. The Code requires us to make a formal submission of any feedback concerning the Code which has been escalated to the most Senior Body within the University. See UUK Codes of Practice website for further details and the complaint process.

Unite Students managed halls

If you reside in a Unite hall (Harry French, The Holt or William Morris) and are still not satisfied with your response from us, if your appeal is relating to your Hall of Residence Licence Terms and Conditions (excluding Clauses 12, 13, 14 or 20), Customer Services will refer you to the University Student Complaints Procedures as per as detailed above.

If your appeal is relating to charges imposed under Clauses 12, 13, 14 or 20 of your Hall of Residence Licence Terms and Conditions, Customer Services will refer you to the relevant Senior Operations Manager for your hall to investigate. These service providers are affiliated to (ANUK). See the ANUK website for further details and the complaint process.