National Plan for Sport and Recreation

National Plan for Sport and Recreation call for evidence

The House of Lords Select Committee on a National Plan for Sport and Recreation was appointed by the House on 15 October 2020. The remit of the Committee is “to consider the effectiveness of current sport and recreation policies and initiatives, and the case for a national plan for sport and recreation, and to make recommendations”. The Committee is required to agree its final report by end of November 2021.

This inquiry comes at a particularly opportune moment when the coronavirus pandemic has led to renewed focus on sport and recreation, and the importance of maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle.

The Committee on a National Plan for Sport and Recreation is issuing this public call for evidence to hear from as many individuals and organisations as possible with an interest, experience or expertise in sport and recreation policy and practice. The Committee is taking a broad view of ‘sport and recreation’ and is interested in hearing about all activities that support an active lifestyle. It hopes to learn about success stories and opportunities, challenges, and how things could be improved going forward.

Written evidence in answer to the following questions should be submitted to the Committee by 4pm on Friday 29 January 2021:

  1. How can local delivery, including funding structures, of sport and recreation be improved to ensure that people of all ages and abilities are able to lead an active lifestyle? For example, how successfully do local authorities and other bodies such as Active Partnerships, Leisure Trusts, local sports clubs and charities work together, and how might coordination be improved?
  2. How can children and young people be encouraged to participate in sport and recreation both at school and outside school, and lead an active lifestyle? If possible, share examples of success stories and good practice, and challenges faced.
  3. How can adults of all ages and backgrounds, particularly those from under-represented groups, including women and girls, ethnic minorities, disabled people, older people, and those from less affluent backgrounds, be encouraged to lead more active lifestyles? If possible, share examples of success stories and good practice, and challenges faced.
  4. Sporting Future: A New Strategy for an Active Nation, the Government’s 2015 sports strategy, outlines five outcome priorities: physical health, mental health, individual development, social and community development and economic development. Are these the right priorities and how successful has the government been in measuring and delivering these outcomes to date?
  5. Is government capturing an accurate picture of how people participate in sport and recreation activities in its data collection? How could this be improved?
  6. How can racism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny and ableism in sport be tackled?
  7. What can be done to improve and implement effective duty of care and safeguarding standards for sports and recreation actives at all levels?
  8. What are the opportunities and challenges facing elite sports in the UK and what can be done to make national sports governing bodies more accountable? For example, accountability for representing and protecting their membership, promoting their sport and maximising participation.
  9. What successful policy interventions have other countries used to encourage people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to participate in sport and recreation, and lead more active lifestyles?
  10. Should there be a national plan for sport and recreation? Why/why not?

 For more information, visit the .