Fitness trackers and eating disorders – is there a link?

Dr Carolyn Plateau, of the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences, discusses the possible link between fitness trackers and eating disorders for an article in The Conversation.

Fitness and health tracking devices are becoming  and a huge variety of wearable tech and apps now exist. Indeed, many  and smart watches now come primed and ready to track our activity, sleep and nutrition.

 for a long time highlighted how monitoring behaviours can help to lead to positive changes in our lifestyles. It can be an effective way to help increase .

But monitoring physical activity and food intake may not be useful for everyone. Indeed, people with  often have unhealthy relationships with food and exercise. Obsessive behaviours such as calorie counting, rigid, driven exercise and unhealthy perfectionism are common among those with eating issues. 

A small body of research has started to explore how fitness trackers and calorie counting apps  and exercise.

Higher levels of  and  have been identified among those who use tracking tools, compared to those who do not. And many patients with eating disorders report using calorie counting tools such as . And these tools have been identified as having a  on their eating disorder symptoms...

Dr Carolyn Plateau, of the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences, discusses if there is a link between fitness trackers and eating disorders in .