Professor Sangarapillai Lambotharan


  • Professor of Digital Communications

Sangarapillai Lambotharan is Professor of Digital Communications and Head of the Signal Processing and Networks Research Group in the Wolfson School of Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering at 黑料网, where he teaches Digital Signal Processing and Information Theory.

Prof. Lambotharan's current research interests include Massive MIMO, Cognitive Radio Networks, Smart Grids, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Cyber Security, Radars, Game Theory and Convex Optimization Techniques.

He has published more than 200 technical journal and conference papers in signal processing and Wireless communications.

He is a Senior Member of IEEE, Fellow of IET, and an associate editor for IET Signal Processing.

Prof. S Lambotharan received his PhD degree in Signal Processing from Imperial College, UK in 1997, where he remained until 1999 as a PDRA working on an EPSRC funded project on mobile communications.

He was a visiting scientist at the Engineering and Theory Centre of Cornell University, USA in 1996.

Between 1999 and 2002, he was with the Motorola Applied Research Group, UK and investigated various projects including physical link layer modelling and performance characterization of GPRS, EGPRS and UTRAN.

He has been with King’s College London and Cardiff University as a lecturer and senior lecturer respectively from 2002 to 2007.

1) S. Lambotharan, A. Gong and G. Zheng “Communications Signal Processing Based Solutions for Massive Machine-to-Machine Networks (M3NETs),” EPSRC EP/R006385/1, EPSRC contribution, £338,768, FEC £416,673.00, started on 01/03/18.

2) S. Lambotharan (jointly with Basil AsSadhan, King Saud University), “Cyber Security for Internet of Things and Core Network,” British Council, £331,975, April 2017-March 2019.

3) J.A. Chambers (PI), S. Lambotharan (CI), et al., “Signal Processing Solutions for the Networked Battlespace”, EP/K014307/1, £ 4.3 million, 2013-2018.

4) S. Lambotharan (PI at LU) and J.A. Chambers (CI) “Massive MIMO wireless networks: Theory and methods,” EPSRC EP/M015475, EPSRC contribution to LU £289,066, (FEC £361, 400). April 2015 – April 2018.

5) J.A. Chambers (PI) and S. Lambotharan (CI) (黑料网 Uni.) and J. Kittler (PI) and W. Wang (CI) (Surrey Uni.), “Audio and Video Based Speech Separation for Multiple Moving Sources within a Room Environment,” EPSRC H049665/1, EPSRC contribution to LU £300,747, 2010-2013.

6) R. Phan, S. Lambotharan and J.A. Chambers, “Game Theoretic Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Data Mining,” EP/J020389/1, £120,189, 2012-2013.

7) S. Lambotharan “Temporal Anomaly Detection,” DSTL funding, £75,000, 2016.

8) S. Lambotharan (PI) and J.A. Chambers (CI), “Advanced Transmit Diversity and Spatial Multiplexing Techniques for the Enhancement of Capacity and Coverage in Wireless Broadband Access Systems,” EPSRC E041817/1, EPSRC contribution £290,454, 2007-2010.

9) J.A. Chambers (PI) and S. Lambotharan (CI) (黑料网 Uni.) and J. McWhirter (PI) (Cardiff Uni.), “Novel Polynomial Matrix Decompositions with Application to Broadband MIMO Communications Signal Processing,” EPSRC F065477/1, EPSRC contribution to LU £376,962, 2008-2011.

10) S. Lambotharan (PI) and J.A. Chambers (CI), “Convex Optimization Based Robust Spatial Multiplexing Techniques for Downlink Multiuser Wireless Systems,” EPSRC G020442/1, EPSRC contribution £238,316, 2008-2011.

11) S. Lambotharan (PI), “Novel Signal Processing Techniques for Enhancing the Downlink Capacity of a Wireless Communication System,” EPSRC GR/S16775, EPSRC contribution £106,084.00, 2003-2005.

  • Information Theory and Coding
  • Software Defined Radios
  • Intelligent Signal Processing

Book Chapter

1) C.R. Johnson, Jr., P. Schniter, I. Fijalkow, L. Tong, J.D. Behm, M.G. Larimore, D.R. Brown, R.A. Casas, T.J. Endres, S. Lambotharan, H.H. Zeng, A. Touzni, M. Green, and J.R. Treichler, “The Core of FSE-CMA Behaviour Theory,” Unsupervised Adaptive Filtering, S. Haykin, ed. (Wiley, 1999).


2) Molkdar, W. Featherstone and S. Lambotharan, “Enhanced General Packet Radio Service (EGPRS), an Overview” IEE Electronics and Communication Magazine, vol. 14(1), pp. 21–38, Feb 2002.

3) Z. Fan, P. Kulkarni, S. Gormus, C. Efthymiou, G. Kalogridis, M. Sooriyabandara, Z. Zhu, S. Lambotharan and W. Chin, “Smart Grid Communications: Overview of Research Challenges, Solutions, and Standardization Activities,” IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, vol. 15 (1), pp. 21 – 38, 2013.

4) Z. Zhu, S. Lambotharan, W. Chin and Z. Fan, “Overview of Demand Management in Smart Grid and Enabling Wireless Communication Technologies,” IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 19(3), pp. 48-56, June 2012.

Journal Articles 2018

5) A. Daniyan, S. Lambotharan, A. Deligiannis, Y. Gong and W. Chen, “Bayesian Multiple Extended Target Tracking Using Labelled Random Finite Sets and Splines,” to appear in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2018.

6) Y. Liu, M. Derakhshani, S. Parsaeefard, S. Lambotharan, K. K. Wong, “Antenna Allocation and Pricing in Virtualized Massive MIMO Networks via Stackelberg Game,” to appear in IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2018.

7) J. Mirza, G. Zheng, K.K. Wong, S. Lambotharan and L. Hanzo, “On the Performance of Multiuser MIMO Systems Relying on Full-Duplex CSI Acquisition,” to appear in IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2018.

8) A. Deligiannis, M. Amin, S. Lambotharan, and G. Fabrizio, “Optimum Sparse Subarray Design for Multitask Receivers”, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2018.

9) A. Deligiannis, A. Daniyan, S. Lambotharan and J.A. Chambers, “Secrecy Rate Optimizations for MIMO Communication Radar,” to appear in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2018.

10) L. Wang, K.K. Wong, S. Lambotharan, A. Nallanathan, and M. Elkashlan, “Edge Caching in Dense Heterogeneous Cellular Networks with Massive MIMO Aided Self-backhaul,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 17(9), pp. 6360-6372, September 2018.

11) B. Basutli, J. Chuma and S. Lambotharan, “Network Capacity Enhancement in HetNets Using Incentivized Offloading Mechanism,” IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 39307 – 39323, 2018.

12) I. Ghafir1, K.G. Kyriakopoulos, F.J. Aparicio-Navarro, S. Lambotharan, B. AsSadhan and H. BinSalleeh, “Basic Probability Assignment Methodology for Unsupervised Wireless Intrusion Detection,” IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 40008 – 40023, 2018.

13) P. Awe, A. Deligiannis, S. Lambotharan, “Spatio-Temporal Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks Using Beamformer-Aided SVM Algorithms,” IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 25377-25388, 2018.

14) Y. Zhu, G. Zheng, K. Wong, S. Jin and S. Lambotharan, “Performance Analysis of Cache-Enabled Millimeter Wave Small Cell Networks,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, vol. 67(7), pp. 6695 - 6699, Feb. 2018.

15) G. Rossetti and S. Lambotharan, “Robust Waveform Design for Multistatic Cognitive Radars,” IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 7464 – 7475, 2018.

16) Y. Liu, S. Lambotharan, M. Derakhshani, A. Nallanathan, K. Wong, “Sensitivity and Asymptotic Analysis of Inter-cell Interference against Pricing for Multi-Antenna Base Stations,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 66(4), pp. 1758 – 1771, April 2018.

17) Y. Liu, M. Derakhshani and S. Lambotharan, “Outage Analysis and Power Allocation in Uplink Non-orthogonal Multiple Access Systems,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 22(2), pp. 336–339, Feb. 2018.

Journal Articles 2017

18) A. Deligiannis, A. Panoui, S. Lambotharan and J.A. Chambers, “Game-Theoretic Power Allocation and the Nash Equilibrium Analysis for a Multistatic MIMO Radar Network,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 65(24), pp. 6397 - 6408, December 2017.

19) A. Daniyan, Y. Gong, P. Feng, J.A. Chambers, and S. Lambotharan, “Kalman-Gain Aided Particle PHD Filter for Multi-target Tracking,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 53(5), pp. 2251 – 2265, October 2017.

20) B. Basutli and S. Lambotharan, “Auction Based Competition of Hybrid Small Cells for Dropped Macrocell Users,” IET Signal Processing, vol. 11(6), pp. 695-703, August 2017.

21) B. Basutli and S. Lambotharan, “Game-Theoretic Beamforming Techniques for a Multiuser Multi-cell Network Under Mixed QoS Constraints,” IET Signal Processing, vol. 11 (5), pp. 631-639, June 2017.

22) Y. Wu, A. Deligiannis and S. Lambotharan, “Coalitional Games for Downlink Multicell Beamforming,” IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 9251 – 9265, May 2017.

Journal Articles 2016

23) A. Deligiannis, S. Lambotharan, and J.A. Chambers, “Game Theoretic Analysis for MIMO Radars with Multiple Targets,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 52(6), pp. 2760 – 2774, December 2016.

24) A. Panoui, S. Lambotharan and J.A. Chambers, “Game Theoretic Distributed Waveform Design for Multistatic Radar Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, pp. 1855 - 1865 vol. 52(4), August 2016.

25) Z. Zhu, S. Lambotharan, W. Chin and Z. Fan, “A Mean Field Game Theoretic Approach to Electric Vehicles Charging,” IEEE Access, vol. 4, pp. 3501 – 3510, 2016.

26) L. Wang, K.K. Wong, M. Elkashlan, A. Nallanathan, and S. Lambotharan, “Secrecy and Energy Efficiency in Massive MIMO Aided Heterogeneous C-RAN: A New Look at Interference,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 10(8), pp. 1375 – 1389, Dec. 2016.

Journal Articles 2015

27) Z. Zhu, S. Lambotharan, W. Chin and Z. Fan, “A Game Theoretic Optimization Framework for Home Demand Management Incorporating Local Energy Resources,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 11 (2), pp. 353 – 362, April 2015.

28) G. Bournaka, Y. Rahulamathavan, K. Cumanan, S. Lambotharan and F. Lazarakis, “A Base Station Beamforming Technique Using Multiple SINR Balancing Criteria,” IET Signal Processing, vol. 9 (3), pp. 248-259, May 2015.

Journal Articles 2013

29) G. Bournaka, J. Tang, S. Lambotharan and F. Lazarakis, “A Coordinated Multiuser Relaying Technique through Interference Precoding at the Base Station”, IEEE Communication Letters, vol. 17 (6), pp. 1176 – 1179, June 2013.

30) J. Tang and S. Lambotharan, “Interference Alignment Techniques for MIMO Multi-Cell Interfering Broadcast Channels,” IEEE Transactions Communications, vol. 61(1), pp. 164 – 175, Jan. 2013.

31) G. Bournaka, K. Cumanan, S. Lambotharan and F. Lazarakis, “Transmitter-Receiver and Relay Optimization for Spectrum Sharing MIMO Peer-to-Peer Users”, IET Signal Processing, vol. 7 (5), pp. 411 – 419, 2013.

32) K. Cumanan, Y. Rahulamathavan, S. Lambotharan and Z. Ding, “MMSE Based Beamforming Techniques for Relay Broadcast Channels,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, vol. 62(8), pp. 4045 – 4051, Oct. 2013.

33) J. Tang, S. Pomeroy and S. Lambotharan, “Interference cancellation and Alignment Techniques for MIMO Cognitive Relay Networks,” IET Signal Processing, vol. 7 (3), pp. 188 – 200, 2013.

34) K. Cumanan and S. Lambotharan, “Minimum Mean-Square Error Transceiver Optimization for Downlink Multiuser MIMO Network with Multiple Linear Transmit Covariance Constraints,” IET Signal Processing, vol. 7 (1), pp. 47-58, 2013.

Journal Articles 2012

35) J. Foster, J. McWhirter, S. Lambotharan, I. Proudler, M. Davies and J. Chambers, “Polynomial matrix QR decomposition for the decoding of frequency selective multiple-input multiple-output communication channels,” IET Signal Processing, vol. 6 (7), pp. 704 – 712, 2012.

36) Y. Rahulamathavan, S. Lambotharan, C. Toker and A. Gershman, “Suboptimal recursive optimisation framework for adaptive resource allocation in spectrum-sharing networks,” IET Signal Processing, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 27-33, 2012.

37) K. Cumanan, R. Zhang and S. Lambotharan, “A New Design Paradigm for MIMO Cognitive Radio with Primary User Rate Constraint,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 16(5), pp. 706 – 709, 2012.

Journal Articles 2011

38) Y. Rahulamathavan, K. Cumanan and S. Lambotharan, “A Mixed SINR-Balancing and SINR-Target Constraints based Beamformer Design Technique for Spectrum Sharing Networks”, IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, vol. 60, no. 9, pp. 4403 – 4414, Nov. 2011.

39) A.J.G, Anandkumar, A. Anandkumar, S. Lambotharan and J.A. Chambers, “Robust Rate Maximization Game Under Bounded Channel,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, vol. 60, no. 9, pp. 4471 – 4486, Nov. 2011.

40) J. Tang and S. Lambotharan, “Beamforming and Temporal Power Optimization for an Overlay Cognitive Radio Relay Network,” IET Signal Processing, vol.5, no. 6, 2011.

41) Z. Xiong, R. Krishna, K. Cumanan and S. Lambotharan, “Grassmannian Beamforming and Null Space Broadcasting Protocols for Cognitive Radio Networks,” IET Signal Processing, vol. 5, pp. 451-460, Sept. 2011.

42) J. Tang, K. Cumanan and S. Lambotharan, “Sum Rate Maximization Technique for Spectrum Sharing MIMO OFDM Broadcast Channels,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, vol. 60, pp. 1960-64, May 2011.

43) L. Musavian, S. Aïssa and S. Lambotharan, “Adaptive Modulation in Spectrum-Sharing Channels Under Delay Quality of Service Constraints,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, vol. 60, pp. 901-911, March 2011.

Journal Articles 2010

44) K. Cumanan, R. Krishna, L. Musavian and S. Lambotharan, “Joint Beamforming and User Maximization Techniques for Cognitive Radio Networks Based on Branch and Bound Method,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, vol. 9, pp. 3082-92, Oct. 2010.

45) L. Musavian, S. Aïssa and S. Lambotharan, “Effective Capacity for Interference and Delay Constrained Cognitive Radio Relay Channels”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, vol. 9, pp. 1698-1707, May 2010.

46) K. Cumanan, L. Musavian, S. Lambotharan and A. Gershman, “SINR Balancing Technique for Downlink Beamforming in Cognitive Radio Networks,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 17, pp. 133-136, Feb. 2010.

47) R. Krishna, K. Cumanan, Z. Xiong and S. Lambotharan, “A Novel Cooperative Relaying Strategy For Wireless Networks With Signal Quantization,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, Jan. 2010.

48) K. Cumanan, R. Krishna, Z. Xiong and S. Lambotharan, “Multiuser Spatial Multiplexing Techniques with Constraints on Interference Temperature for Cognitive Radio Networks,” IET Signal Processing, vol.4, pp. 666-672, Dec. 2010.

Journal Articles 2007-2008

49) R. Krishna, Z. Xiong and S. Lambotharan, “A Cooperative MMSE Relay Strategy for Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE Signal processing Letters, vol. 15, pp. 549-552, 2008.

50) C. Toker, S. Lambotharan and J.A. Chambers, “Joint Transceiver Design for MIMO Channel Shortening,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 55, pp. 3851 – 3866, July 2007.

51) Q. Yu and S. Lambotharan, “Iterative (Turbo) Estimation and Detection Techniques for Frequency Selective Channels with Multiple Frequency Offsets,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 14, pp. 236 – 239, April 2007.

52) Kobravi, M.R. Shikh Bahaei and S. Lambotharan, “Multi-User Interference Cancellation Technology in the Presence of Multiple Frequency Offsets,” IET Communications, vol. 1, pp. 7-14, Feb. 2007.

Journal Articles 2005-2006

53) Jakobsson, S. Alty and S. Lambotharan, “On the Implementation of Linearly Constrained Minimum Variance Beamformer,” IEEE Trans. Circuit and Systems, Part II, vol. 53, pp. 1059 – 1062, Oct. 2006.

54) Y. Luo, W. Wang, J.A. Chambers, S. Lambotharan and I. Proudler, “Exploitation of Source Non-Stationarity in Underdetermined Blind Source Separation with Advanced Clustering Techniques,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 54, pp. 2198 – 2212, June 2006.

55) S. Lambotharan, Y. Luo, C. Toker, S.R. Alty and M. Gani, “Blind Multiuser Detection of STBC Signals Using Hybrid Constant Modulus and Subspace Methods,” IEE Proceedings on Communications, vol. 153, pp.159-164, April 2006.

56) S. Ahmed, M. Sellathurai, S. Lambotharan and J. A. Chambers, “Low Complexity Iterative Method of Equalization for SC-CP in Doubly Selective Channels,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 13, pp.5-8, Jan. 2006.

57) S. Lambotharan and C. Toker, “Closed-loop space time block coding techniques for OFDM based broadband wireless access systems,” IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics, vol. 51, pp. 765-769, August 2005.

58) S. Ahmed, S. Lambotharan, A. Jakobsson and J.A. Chambers, “Parameter Estimation Techniques for MIMO Frequency Selective Channels” IEE Proceedings on Communications, vol. 152, pp. 489 – 494, August 2005.

59) Y. Luo and S. Lambotharan, "A New Tap Constrained Constant Modulus Algorithm for the Blind Equalization of Time Reversal Based STBCs through the Exploitation of Algebraic Properties," IEE Proceedings on Communications, vol. 152(3), pp. 295-301, June 2005.

60) Ahmed, S., S. Lambotharan, A. Jakobsson and J. A. Chambers, Parameter Estimation and Equalization Techniques for Communication Channels with Multipath and Multiple Frequency Offsets,” IEEE Trans. Communications, Vol. 53(2), February 2005

61) Toker, S. Lambotharan, J.A. Chambers and B. Baykal, “Joint Spatial and Temporal Channel Shortening Techniques for Frequency Selective Fading MIMO Channels” IEE Proceedings on Communications, vol. 152(1), pp. 89-94, February 2005.

Journals Articles prior to 2005

62) C. Toker, S. Lambotharan, and J.A. Chambers, “Closed-Loop Quasi-Orthogonal STBCs and Their Performance in Multipath Fading Environments and When Combined With Turbo Codes” IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, Vol. 3(6), pp. 1890-1896, November 2004.

63) Y. Luo, J.A. Chambers and S. Lambotharan, "Global convergence and mixing parameter selection in the cross correlation constant modulus algorithm for the multi-user environment," IEE Proceedings on Vision Image and Signal Processing, vol. 148, pp. 9-20, Feb 2001.

64) D.J. Brooks, S. Lambotharan and J.A. Chambers, “Optimum Delay and Mean Square Error Using a Mixed Cross-Correlation and Constant Modulus Algorithm,” IEE Proceedings on Communications, vol. 147, pp. 18-22, Feb. 2000.

65) S. Lambotharan, A.G. Constantinides and J.A. Chambers, “The Constant Modulus Receivers under Reduced Noise Amplification Objective,” IEE Proceedings on Communications, vol. 146, pp. 145-149, June 1999.

66) S. Lambotharan and J.A. Chambers, “On the Surface Characteristics of a Mixed Constant Modulus and Cross-Correlation for the Blind Equalisation of a MIMO Channel,” Signal Processing, vol. 74(2), pp. 209-216, April 1999.

67) S. Lambotharan, J.A. Chambers and A.G. Constantinides, “Adaptive Blind Retrieval Techniques for Multi-User DS-CDMA Signals,” IEE Electronics Letter, vol. 35(9), pp. 693-695, April. 1999.

68) K. Skowratananont, S. Lambotharan, and J.A. Chambers, “Improved Convergence of Fractionally Spaced Constant Modulus Equalisers in the Presence of Noise,” IEE Electronics Letter, vol. 34(17), pp. 1644-1646, August 1998.

69) K. Skowratananont, S. Lambotharan and J.A. Chambers, “A New Blind Decision Feedback Equalizer for multichannels with common zeros,” IEE Electronics Letter, vol. 34(9), pp. 845-846, April 1998.

70) S. Lambotharan and J.A. Chambers, “New Blind Equalization structure for Deep Null Communication Channels,” IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems: Part II, vol. 45(1), pp. 108-114, Jan. 1998.

71) S. Lambotharan, J.A. Chambers and C.R. Johnson, Jr., “Attraction of Saddles and Slow Convergence in CMA Adaptation,” Signal Processing, vol. 59(2), pp. 335-340, June 1997.

Conference Articles 2018

72) F.J. Aparicio-Navarro, J.A. Chambers, K.G. Kyriakopoulos, I. Ghafir, S. Lambotharan, “Multi-Stage Attack Detection Using Contextual Information,” MILCOM, Los Angeles, October 2018.

73) D. Hassan, S. Redif, S. Lambotharan and I. Proudler, “Sequential Polynomial QR Decomposition and Decoding of Frequency Selective MIMO Channels,” EUSIPCO, Rome, September 2018.

74) A. Deligiannis, M. Amin, G. Fabrizio and S. Lambotharan, “Sparse Subarray Design for Multitask Radar Platform,” IEEE Radar Conference, Oklahoma City, April 2018.

75) A. Deligiannis, M. Amin, G. Fabrizio and S. Lambotharan, “Optimum Configurations of sparse subarray beamformers,” IEEE ICASSP, Canada, pp. 3369 – 3373, April 2018.

76) S. Li, M. Derakhshani and S. Lambotharan, “Outage-Constrained Robust Power Allocation for Downlink MC-NOMA with Imperfect SIC" IEEE ICC, Kansas City, USA, May 2018.

Conference Articles 2017

77) Y. Liu, M. Derakhshani and S. Lambotharan, “Dual Connectivity in Backhaul-limited Massive-MIMO HetNets: User Association and Power Allocation,” IEEE Globecom, Singapore, December 2017.

78) K. Ghanem, F.J. Aparicio-Navarro, K.G. Kyriakopoulos, S. Lambotharan, J.A. Chambers, “Support Vector Machine for Network Intrusion and Cyber-Attack Detection,” Sensor Signal Processing for Defence (SSPD), London, December 2017.

79) A. Daniyan, Y. Gong and S. Lambotharan, “An Improved Resampling Approach for Particle Filters in Tracking,” Digital Signal Processing, London, September 2017.

80) A. Daniyan, S. Lambotharan, “Data Association Using Game Theory for Multi-Target Tracking in Passive Bistatic Radar”, IEEE Radar Conference, Seattle, May 2017.

81) A. Deligiannis and S. Lambotharan, “A Bayesian Game Theoretic Framework for Resource Allocation in Multistatic Radar Networks”, IEEE Radar Conference, Seattle, pp. 0546 – 0551, May 2017.

82) R. Elsabae, B. Basutli, Y. Gong and S. Lambotharan, “'Downlink Beamforming Design with Simultaneous Energy and Secure Information Transmission,” IEEE WCNC, San Francisco, March 2017.

Conference Articles 2016

83) R. Elsabae, B. Basutli, K. Ghanem, Y. Gong and S. Lambotharan, “Coordinated Multicell Beamforming with Local and Global Data Rate Constraints,” EUSIPCO 2016, Budapest, Sept. 2016.

84) G. Rossetti and S. Lambotharan, “Coordinated Waveform Design and Receiver Filter Optimization for Cognitive Radar Networks,” IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM), Rio de Janeiro, July 2016.

85) Y. Liu, S. Lambotharan, A. Nallanathan and K.K. Wong, “Pricing Based Interference Control in Reversed Time Division Duplex Heterogeneous Networks,” IEEE ICC, Kuala Lumpur, May 2016.

86) A. Daniyan and S. Lambotharan “Game Theoretic Data Association for Multi-target Tracking with Varying Number of Targets,” IEEE Radar Conference, Philadelphia, May 2016.

87) A. Deligiannis, G. Rossetti, A. Panoui and S. Lambotharan, and J.A. Chambers, “Power Allocation Game between a Radar Network and Multiple Jammers,” IEEE Radar Conference, Philadelphia, May 2016.

88) G. Rossetti, A. Deligiannis and S. Lambotharan, “Waveform Design and Receiver Filter Optimization for Multistatic Cognitive Radar,” IEEE Radar Conference, Philadelphia, pp. 1-5, May 2016.

89) G. Rossetti and S. Lambotharan, “Waveform optimization techniques for bi-static Cognitive Radars,” IEEE 12th International Colloquium on Signal Processing & Its Applications (CSPA), Malacca, Malaysia, March 2016.

Conference Articles 2015

90) P. Awe and S. Lambotharan, “Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks Using Multiclass Support Vector Machine Algorithms” IEEE ICSPCS, Australia, Dec. 2015.

91) Y. Deng, L. Wang, K.K. Wong, A. Nallanathan, M. Elkashlan and S. Lambotharan, “Safeguarding massive MIMO aided hetnets using physical layer security,” Wireless Communications & Signal Processing (WCSP), China, 2015

92) B. Basutli and S. Lambotharan, “Distributed beamformer design under mixed SINR balancing and SINR-target-constraints ,” IEEE DSP Conference, Singapore, July 2015.

93) B. Basutli and S. Lambotharan, “Extending the bargain region using beamforming design under mixed QoS constraints ,” IEEE DSP Conference, Singapore, July 2015.

94) Y. Wu and S. Lambotharan, “An interference constraint and SINR balancing based coordinated multicell beamforming ,” IEEE DSP Conference, Singapore, July 2015.

95) J. Hu and S. Lambotharan, “A cooperative MMSE strategy for two-way relaying based multiuser multiplexing,” IEEE DSP Conference, Singapore, July 2015.

96) A. Panoui, S. Lambotharan and J.A. Chambers, “Waveform Allocation for a MIMO Radar Network Using Potential Games,” IEEE International Radar Conference, Arlington, USA, pp. 0751 – 0754, May 2015.

97) A. Deligiannis and S. Lambotharan, “Beamforming for Fully-Overlapped Two-Dimensional Phased-MIMO Radar,” IEEE International Radar Conference, Arlington, USA, pp. 0599 – 0604, May 2015.

Conference Articles 2014

98) P. Awe, M. Naqvi and S. Lambotharan, “Variational Bayesian Learning Technique for Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks,” IEEE GlobeSIP, Atlanta, Dec. 2014.

99) A. Deligiannis and S. Lambotharan, “Transmit Beamforming Design for Two-Dimensional Phased-MIMO Radar with Fully-Overlapped Subarrays,” Sensor Signal Processing for Defence, Edinburgh, September 2014.

100) A. Panoui, S. Lambotharan and J.A. Chambers, “Game Theoretic Power Allocation for Multistatic Radar Network in the Presence of Estimation Error,” Sensor Signal Processing for Defence, Edinburgh, September 2014.

101) A. Panoui, S. Lambotharan and J.A. Chambers, “Game Theoretic Power Allocation Techniques for a MIMO Radar Network,” IEEE International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing (ISCCSP), Athens, pp. 509 - 512, May 2014. (invited paper)

102) H. Sherif, Z. Zhu and S. Lambotharan, “An Optimization Framework for Home Demand Side Management Incorporating Electric Vehicles”, IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference - Asia (ISGT ASIA), Kuala lampur, May 2014.

103) Z. Zhu, S. Lambotharan, W.H. Chin and Z. Fan, “A Stochastic Optimization Approach to Aggregated Electric Vehicles Charging in Smart Grids", IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference - Asia (ISGT ASIA), Kuala lampur, May 2014.

104) Y. Wu and G. Bournaka and S. Lambotharan, “Coordinated Beamforming with Mixed SINR-balancing and SINR-target-constraints for Multicell Wireless Networks,” IEEE WCNC, pp. 908 – 912, Istanbul, April 2014.

Conference Articles 2013

105) P. Awe, Z, Zhu and S. Lambotharan, “Eigenvalue and Support Vector Machine Techniques for Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks,” Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI), pp. 223 – 227, Taipei, Dec. 2013.

106) S. Weiss, M Alrmah, S Lambotharan, J.G. McWhirter, M. Kaveh, “Broadband angle of arrival estimation methods in a polynomial matrix decomposition framework” IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing, pp. 109 – 112, Dec. 2013.

107) M Alrmah, S. Weiss, S. Redif, S Lambotharan, J.G. McWhirter, “Angle of arrival estimation for broadband signals: A comparison,” IET Intelligent Signal Processing Conference, London, Dec. 2013.

108) Y. Wu and S. Lambotharan, “A coordinated multicell beamforming technique with multiple interference constraints,” IET Intelligent Signal Processing Conference, London, Dec. 2013.

109) A. Panoui, S. Lambotharan and R. Phan, “Vickrey-Clarke-Groves for privacy-preserving collaborative classification,” Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, pp. 123-128, Sept 2013.

110) K. Cumanan, Y. Rahulamathavan, S. Lambotharan and Z. Ding, “A Mixed Quality of Service Based Linear Transceiver Design for a Multiuser MIMO Network with Linear Transmit Covariance Constraints,” IEEE WCNC, pp. 3895 – 3899, Shanghai, 2013.

111) A.J.G. Anandkumar, A. Anandkumar, S. Lambotharan and J.A. Chambers, “'Robust Noncooperative Rate-Maximization Game for MIMO Gaussian Interference Channels Under Bounded Channel Uncertainty,” ICASSP 2013, pp. 4819 – 4823, Vancouver, May 2103.

Conference Articles 2012

112) G. Bournaka, K. Cumanan, S. Lambotharan and F. Lazarakis, “An SINR Balancing Technique for a Cognitive Two-Way Relay Network,” IEEE VTC Fall, Quebec City, Sept. 2013.

113) G. Bournaka, S. Lambotharan and F. Lazarakis, “SINR Balancing Techniques for a Cognitive Radio Relay Network with Multiple Peer-to-Peer Users,” IEEE ComNetSat, pp. 108 – 112, Bali, July 2012.

114) J. Tang, G. Bournaka, S. Lambotharan, “Sum rate maximization for spectrum sharing multiuser MIMO network under rayleigh fading,” ,” IEEE ComNetSat, pp. 30-34, Bali, July 2012.

115) J. Tang and S. Lambotharan, “An optimal resource allocation technique for spectrum sharing MIMO wireless relay network,” IEEE ICC, Ottawa, June 2012.

116) Z. Zhu, S. Lambotharan, W.H. Chin and Z. Fan, “An Integer Linear Programming Based Optimization for Home Demand-side Management in Smart Grid,” IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference, Washington, D.C., January 2012.

Conference Articles 2011

117) J. Tang, A.J.G. Anandkumar and S. Lambotharan, “Opportunistic MIMO multi-cell interference alignment techniques”, IMSAA, Bangalore, Dec. 2011.

118) Z. Zhu, S. Lambotharan, W.H. Chin and Z. Fan, “An Integer Linear Programming and Game Theory Based Optimization for Demand-side Management in Smart Grid,” IEEE GLOBECOM – SG COMNET, Houston, pp. 1205 – 1210, Dec. 2011.

119) G. Bournaka, K. Cumanan, S. Lambotharan and F. Lazarakis, “An iterative semidefinite and Geometric programming technique for the SINR balancing in two-way relay network,” IEEE GLOBECOM, Houston, pp.1-5, Dec. 2011.

120) Y. Rahulamathavan and S. Lambotharan, “A Rate Balancing Technique for MIMO-Cognitive Radio Network Under a Mixed QoS Requirement,” IEEE GLOBECOM, Houston, Dec. 2011.

121) Z. Xiong, C. Gong ; L. Wu, K. Cumanan and S. Lambotharan, “Capacity Balancing for Multiuser MIMO Cognitive Radio Network,” IEEE VTC, San Francisco, San Francisco, Sept. 2011.

122) M Alrmah , S. Weiss and S Lambotharan, “An extension of the MUSIC algorithm to broadband scenarios using a polynomial eigenvalue decomposition” EUSIPCO, pp. 629 – 633, Barcelona, September 2011.

123) Y. Rahulamathavan, K. Cumanan and S. Lambotharan, “An SINR Balancing based Beamforming Technique for Cognitive Radio Networks with Mixed Quality of Service Requirements,” IEEE ICC, Kyoto June 2011.

124) K. Cumanan, J. Tang and S. Lambotharan, “Rate Balancing Based Linear Transceiver Design for Multiuser MIMO System with Multiple Linear Transmit Covariance Constraints,” IEEE ICC, Kyoto 2011.

125) J. Tang and S. Lambotharan, “A Suboptimal User Maximization Algorithm for an OFDMA Based Cognitive Radio Network,” IEEE VTC, Budapest, May 2011.

Conference Articles 2010

126) K. Cumanan; Y. Rahulamathavan; S. Lambotharan, "Linear Transceiver Design for Multiuser Spectrum Sharing MIMO Networks,” IWCN, Bangalore, December 2010.

127) Y. Rahulamathavan, Y. Dong, K. Cumanan, S. Lambotharan and A K Nandi, “Adaptive Rate Balancing Techniques in Cognitive Radio Networks,” IWCN, Bangalore, December 2010.

128) J.C. Hu, W. Wang, Z. Xiong and S. Lambotharan, “Optimization Techniques for Asynchronous Two-way Relaying Based Multiuser Multiplexing,” IEEE ICCS, Singapore, pp. 545 - 548, Nov. 2010.

129) G. Bournaka, K. Cumanan, J.A. Chambers, S. Lambotharan and F. Lazarakis, “An SINR Balancing Based Multiuser Relaying Scheme,” IEEE ICCS, Singapore, pp. 274 – 278, Nov. 2010.

130) A.J.G. Anandkumar, A. Anandkumar, S. Lambotharan and J.A. Chambers, “Efficiency of Rate-Maximization Game Under Bounded Channel Uncertainty,” Asilomar conf. on Sig., Sys., and Comp., Pacific Grove, USA, Nov. 2010.

131) J. Tang, R. Yogachandran and S. Lambotharan, “Adaptive Bit Loading and Subcarrier Allocation Techniques for OFDM Based Cognitive Radio Systems,” IEEE ICCT, Nanjing, pp. 454-457, Nov. 2010.

132) J.C. Hu, Z. Xiong, Y. Rahulamathavan, K. Cumanan and S. Lambotharan, “Optimization Techniques for Two-way Relaying Based Multiuser Multiplexing,” IEEE SPAWC 2010, Marrakech, June 2010.

133) Y. Rahulamathavan, K. Cumanan and S. Lambotharan, “Optimal Resource Allocation Techniques for MIMO-OFDMA based Cognitive Radio Networks Using Integer Linear Programming,” IEEE SPAWC 2010, Marrakech, June 2010.

134) Z. Xiong, K. Cumanan, Y. Rahulamathavan and S. Lambotharan, “A Robust SINR Balancing Technique for a Multiuser MIMO Cognitive Radio Network,” IEEE SPAWC 2010, Marrakech, June 2010.

135) Z. Xiong, K. Cumanan and S. Lambotharan, “Robust SINR Balancing Technique for a Cognitive Radio Network Using Probability Based Interference Constraints,” IEEE DySPAN, Singapore, April 2010.

136) A.J.G. Anandkumar, A. Anandkumar, S. Lambotharan and J.A. Chambers, “Robust Rate Maximization Game Under Bounded Channel Uncertainty,” IEEE ICASSP, Dallas, US, 2010.

Conference Articles 2009

137) A.J.G. Anandkumar, S. Lambotharan and J.A. Chambers, “Application of distributed MIMO waterfilling algorithm for broadband channels and its performance in the presence of CSI errors,” First UK-India International Workshop on Cognitive Wireless Systems, UKIWCWS 2009, IIT Delhi, India, Dec. 2009.

138) Y. Rahulamathavan, K. Cumanan, R. Krishna and S. Lambotharan, “Adaptive Subcarrier and Bit Allocation Techniques for MIMO-OFDMA based Cognitive Radio Networks,” First UK-India International Workshop on Cognitive Wireless Systems, UKIWCWS 2009, IIT Delhi, India, Dec. 2009.

139) Z. Xiong, K. Cumanan and S. Lambotharan, “On the Benefits of Subspace Dimension Reduction for Grassmannian Multiuser Beamformers,” IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, Cardiff, pp. 658 - 661, Sept. 2009.

140) A.J.G. Anandkumar, S. Lambotharan and J.A. Chambers, “A Game Theoretic Approach to Transmitter Covariance Matrix Design for Broadband MIMO Gaussian Interference Channels,” IEEE Statistical Signal Processing, Cardiff, UK Sept. 2009.

141) K. Cumanan, R. Krishna and S. Lambotharan, “Fusion of Decisions Transmitted Over Multiple Observations Based Relay/Sensor Network,” IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, Cardiff, pp. 622 – 625, Sept. 2009.

142) Y. Rahulamathavan, K. Cumanan, L. Musavian and S. Lambotharan, Optimal Subcarrier and Bit Allocation Techniques for Cognitive Radio Networks using Integer Linear Programming,” IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, Cardiff, pp. 293 – 296, Sept. 2009.

143) M. Irfan, R. Krishna, Z. Xiong and S. Lambotharan, “Interference Mitigation Based Signal Forwarding Strategy for Wireless Relay Networks.,” EUSIPCO, Glasgow, UK, Aug. 2009,

144) M. Davies, S. Lambotharan, J. Foster, J.A. Chambers and J. McWhirter, “Polynomial Matrix QR Decomposition and Iterative Decoding of Frequency Selective MIMO Channels,” IEEE WCNC, Budapest, April 2009.

145) M. Davies, S. Lambotharan, J. Foster, J.A. Chambers and J. McWhirter, “A Polynomial QR Decomposition Based Turbo Equalization Technique for Frequency Selective MIMO Channels,” IEEE VTC Spring, Barcelona, April 2009.

146) Z. Xiong, R. Krishna, S. Lambotharan and J.A. Chambers “Multiuser Orthogonal Space-Division Multiplexing with Iterative Water-Filling Algorithm,” IEEE VTC Spring, Barcelona, April 2009.

147) K. Cumanan, R. Krishna, Z. Xiong and S. Lambotharan, “SINR Balancing Techniques and its Comparison to Semidefinite Programming Based QoS Provision for Cognitive Radios,” IEEE VTC Spring, Barcelona, April 2009.

148) R. Krishna, K. Cumanan, Z. Xiong and S. Lambotharan, “A Semidefinite Programming Based Cooperative Relaying Strategy for Wireless Mesh Networks with Relay Signal Quantization,” IEEE VTC Spring, Barcelona, April 2009.

Conference Articles 2008

149) R. Krishna, K. Cumanan, V. Sharma and S. Lambotharan, “A Robust Cooperative Relaying Strategy for Wireless Networks Using Semidefinite Constraints and Worst-case Performance Optimization,” International Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications (ISITA), Auckland, Dec. 2008.

150) K. Cumanan, R. Krishna, V. Sharma and S. Lambotharan, “Robust Interference Control Techniques for Cognitive Radios Using Worst-Case Performance Optimization,” International Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications (ISITA), Auckland, Dec. 2008.

151) K. Cumanan, R. Krishna, V. Sharma and S. Lambotharan, “Robust Interference Control Techniques for Multi_User Cognitive Radios Using Worst-Case Performance Optimization,” Asilomar conf. on Sig., Sys., and Comp., Pacific Grove, USA, Nov. 2008.

152) Z. Xiong, S. Lambotharan and J.A. Chambers, “A GMD-Based Precoding Scheme for Downlink Multiuser Multistream MIMO Channels,” Asilomar conf. on Sig., Sys., and Comp., Pacific Grove, USA, Nov. 2008.

153) V. Sharma and S. Lambotharan, “Robust Multiuser Downlink Beamforming with Per Antenna Power Constraints using Worst-Case Performance Optimization,” International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT), Lao PDR, Oct. 2008.

154) K. Cumanan, R. Krishna, V. Sharma and S. Lambotharan, “Robust Beamforming Based Interference Control Technique and its Performance for Cognitive Radios,” ISCIT, Lao PDR, Oct. 2008.

155) M. Davies, S. Lambotharan, J.A. Chambers and J. McWhirter, “Broadband MIMO Beamforming for Frequency Selective Channels Using the Sequential Best Rotation Algorithm,” IEEE VTC Spring, Singapore, May 2008.

156) M. Qaisrani and S. Lambotharan, ‘Estimation of Doubly Selective MIMO Channels Using Superimposed Training and Turbo Equalization,” IEEE VTC Spring, Singapore, May 2008.

157) V. Sharma and S. Lambotharan, “Space-Time Channel Shortening Based Multiplexing Techniques Using Uplink-Downlink Duality,” IEEE VTC 2008 Spring, Singapore, May 2008.

158) V. Sharma and S. Lambotharan, “Robust Transmit Multiuser Beamforming Using Worst Case Performance Optimization,” IEEE VTC 2008 Spring, Singapore, May 2008.

159) V. Sharma, I. Wajid, H. Chen, A.B. Gershman and S. Lambotharan, “Robust Downlink Beamforming Using Positive Semi-definite Covariance Constraints,” International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas - WSA 2008, Darmstadt, Feb. 2008.

Conference Articles 2007

160) V. Sharma and S. Lambotharan, “Space-Time Channel Shortening Based Spatial Multiplexing Schemes for Multiusers with Multipath Channels,” Asilomar conf. on Sig., Sys., and Comp., Pacific Grove, USA, Nov. 2007.

161) L. Ong and S. Lambotharan, “On the rate and power allocation for MIMO based integrated voice and data transmission,” IEEE VTC 2007 Fall, Baltimore, Oct. 2007.

162) K. Cumanan, R. Krishna, Q. Yu and S. Lambotharan, “Maximum Likelihood Frequency Offset Estimation for Frequency Selective MIMO Channels: An Average Periodogram Interpretation and Interative Techniques,” EUSIPCO, Poznan, Sept. 2007.

163) Q. Yu and S. Lambotharan, “An iterative Estimation and Detection Technique for OFDM Systems with Multiple Frequency Offsets (Doppler Shifts),” IEEE PIMRC, Athens, Sept. 2007.

164) V. Sharma and S. Lambotharan, “Robust Impulse Response Shortening for Discrete Multi-tone Transceivers,” DSP 2007, Cardiff, UK, June 2007.

165) M. Davies, S. Lambotharam and J. McWhirter, “Broadband MIMO Beamforming using Spatial-Temporal Filters and Polynomial Matrix Decomposition,” DSP 2007, Cardiff, UK, June 2007.

166) Q. Yu and S. Lambotharan, 'Iterative (Turbo) Estimation and Detection Techniques for Frequency Selective Channels with Multiple Frequency Offsets in MIMO System,' in IEEE VTC, Dublin, Spring 2007.

167) M. Qaisrani and S. Lambotharan, ‘An Iterative (Turbo) Channel Estimation and Symbol Detection Technique for Doubly Selective Channels,” in IEEE VTC, Dublin, Spring 2007.

168) N.M. Eltayeb, S. Lambotharan and J.A. Chambers, “A Phase Feedback Based Extended Space Time Block Code For Enhancement of Diversity,” in IEEE VTC, Dublin, Spring 2007.

Conference Articles 2006

169) L. Ong, S. Lambotharan,'Variable Rate and Variable Power MIMO System for Integerated Voice and Data Services,' IEEE ICCS, Singapore Nov.2006.

170) V. Sharma and S. Lambotharan, “Robust Multiuser Beamformers and Their Performance in a Rayleigh Fading Environment,' IEEE ICCS, Singapore Nov.2006.

171) Q. Yu and S. Lambotharan, 'Iterative Channel Estimation and Equalization Techniques for Multipath Channels with Multiple Frequency Offsets,' IEEE ICCS, Singapore Nov.2006.

172) V. Sharma and S. Lambotharan, “Interference Suppression in Multiuser Downlink MIMO Channels Using an Iterative Optimization Approach,” in EUSIPCO, Florence, Sept. 2006.

173) L. Ong, S. Lambotharan, J. A. Chambers andM. Shikh-Bahaei, “Performance of Bayesian Estimation based Variable Rate Variable Power MQAM System,” in IEEE PIMRC, Finland, Sept. 2006.

174) V. Sharma and S. Lambotharan, “Multiuser Downlink MIMO Beamforming Using an Iterative Optimization Approach,” in IEEE VTC Fall, Montreal, Sept. 2006.

Conference Articles 2005

175) Toker, S. Lambotharan and J.A. Chambers, “Channel Shortening for MIMO systems,” IEE DSP Enabled Radios, Southampton, Sept. 2005.

176) C. Toker and S. Lambotharan, “On the performance Sensitivity of Orthogonalization of QO-STBC to Feedback Errors in an OFDM Environment,” COST289, Antalia, Turkey, July 2005.

177) C. Toker, S. Lambotharan and J.A. Chambers, “Orthogonalization of Quasi-Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes in Multipath and Multicarrier Modulation Environment,” EUSIPCO, Antalya, Sept 2005.

178) A. Kobravi, M.R.S. Shikh-Bahaei and S. Lambotharan, “New SIC Scheme with Frequency Offset Estimation and Correction,” IEEE VTC Dallas, vol. 1, pp. 645 – 649, Sept. 2005.

179) S. Lambotharan and Y. Luo, “A Hybrid Antennae Selection and STBC Scheme for Multipath Fading Channels,” IEEE VTC, vol.3, pp. 1668 – 1671, Stockholm, May 2005.

180) C. Toker, S. Lambotharan and J.A. Chambers, “Joint Transmitter and Receiver Design for MIMO Channel Shortening,” IEEE ICASSP, vol. 4, pp. 909-912, Philadelphia, March 2005.

Conference Articles 2004

181) S. Lambotharan, Y. Luo and C. Toker "Blind Multi-User Detection of Space-Time Block Coded Signals in a CDMA System," Signal Processing for Communications (SPCOM), pp. 275-279, Bangalore, Dec. 2004.

182) C. Toker, S. Lambotharan, J. Chambers and B. Baykal, "Infinite Length Channel Shortening: A Polynomial Approach," EUSIPCO, Vienna, Aug. 2004.

183) S. Ahmed, S. Lambotharan, A. Jakobsson and J.A. Chambers, "Parameter Estimation and Equalization Techniques for MIMO Frequency Selective Channels with Multiple Frequency Offsets," EUSIPCO, Vienna, Aug. 2004.

184) Y. Luo and S. Lambotharan, "A new tap constrained constant modulus algorithm for blind equalization of time reversal space time block codes," IEEE SPAWC, pp. 273-277, Lisbon, July 2004.

185) C. Toker, S. Lambotharan, J.A. Chambers and B. Baykal, "Channel Shortening Filter Design Based on Polynomial Method," IEEE VTC Spring, vol. 1, pp. 565-569, Milan, May 2004.

186) Y. Luo, S. Lambotharan and J.A. Chambers, “A New Block Based Time-Frequency Approach For Underdetermined Blind Source Separation,” IEEE ICASSP, vol. 5, pp. 537-540, Montreal, May 2004.

Conference Articles prior to 2004

187) C. Toker, S. Lambotharan and J.A. Chambers, “Space Time Block Coding for Four Transmit Antennas with Closed Loop Feedback over Frequency Selective Fading Channel”, IEEE Information Theory Workshop, pp. 195-198, Paris, March/April 2003.

188) S. Lambotharan, L. Lopes and E. Villier, “On the Interference Modelling Aspects of a UTRAN Forward Link,” IEE 3G Mobile Conference, May 2002, pp. 555-559.

189) Villier, L. Lopes and S Lambotharan, “Approaches to Modelling the Physical Layer Performance in a UMTS Radio System Simulator,” IEE 3G Mobile Conference, pp. 560-564, London, May 2002.

190) S. Lambotharan and L. Lopes, “Performance of Antenna Hopping Techniques for Packet Radio Transmission” IEE 3G Mobile Conference, pp. 525-528, London, May 2002.

191) D. Molkdar and S. Lambotharan, “Impact of header error on EGPRS link level performance in IR mode,” IEE 3G Conference, pp. 114-118, London, March 2001.

192) S. Lambotharan and J.A. Chambers, “A Cross-Uncorrelator-Initializer for the Super-Exponential Algorithms in Multi-User Environment,” Asilomar conf. on Sig., Sys., and Comp., Pacific Grove, 1999.

193) S. Lambotharan, J.A. Chambers and A.G. Constantinides, “Leaky Constant Modulus Algorithms: Sensitivity of Local Minima,” IEEE ICASSP, vol. 5, pp. 2499-2501, Phoenix, March 1999.

194) S. Lambotharan, J.A. Chambers and A.G. Constantinides, “A novel re-initialization technique for CMA in the presence of channel noise,” Asilomar conf. on Sig., Sys., and Comp., vol. 1, pp. 489-492, Pacific Grove, USA, Nov. 1998.

195) K. Skowratananont, S. Lambotharan and J.A. Chambers, “A new adaptive blind equalizer structure with robustness to loss of channel disparity,” Asilomar conf. on Sig., Sys., and Comp., vol.1, pp. 485-488, Pacific Grove, USA, Nov. 1998.

196) S. Lambotharan, A.G. Constantinides and J.A. Chambers, “Channel Equalization Under Constant Modulus and Reduced Noise Amplification Objectives,” IEEE DSP Workshop, vol. 1, Bryce Canyon, Aug. 1998.

197) W. Pora, S. Lambotharan, J.A. Chambers, and A.G. Constantinides, “A Constant Modulus Array for Real Signals,” EUSIPCO, vol. 4, pp. 2229-2232, Rhodes, Greece, 1998.

198) D. Brooks, S. Lambotharan and J.A. Chambers, “Optimised delay and mean square error using CMA,” IEEE ICASSP, vol. 6, pp. 3361-3364, USA, May 1998.

199) S. Lambotharan and J.A. Chambers, “Novel Blind Equalization structure for Deep Null Communication Channels,” IEEE ISCAS, pp. 1101-1104, Hong Kong, June, 1997.

200) S. Lambotharan, J.A. Chambers and O. Tanrikulu, “Mixing and Switching the Norms of Adaptive Filtering Algorithms,” Int. Conf. on Digital Signal Processing, vol. 1, pp. 130-135, Cyprus, 1995.