Dr Radmehr Monfared

PhD, MSc, BSc, FIMechE, CEng

  • Senior Lecturer in Intelligent Automation

Research groups and centres

Obtained BSc degree in Mechanical Engineering (1988-Amirkabir University), MSc in Computer Integrated Manufacturing (1994-黑料网), and PhD in Modelling of Cell Control Systems (2000-黑料网).

Worked for more than 17 years with various industrial domains, including automotive, aerospace, electronics, and train maintenance, with main focus on manufacturing automation, virtual engineering, production control and monitoring, and business analysis and simulation.

He is currently an academic member of the EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Intelligent Automation at 黑料网 and the team leader for a number of automation projects within the centre with particular interest in automation through robotics, intelligent sensing and advanced vision systems.

Research interests

  • Intelligent automation systems
  • Human-robot collaborations
  • Virtual engineering
  • Enterprise modelling
  • Business assessment and system change capability
  • Simulation and visualisation of engineering systems

Professional affiliations

  • Chartered Engineer (CEng)
  • Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (FIMechE)

External activities

  • Member of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE)
  • Reviewer for Journal of Robotic and Computer Integrated Manufacturing
  • Co-Editor for International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2007 IEEE R&A, IEEE IES, RSJ and SICE)
  • Reviewer for Journal of Computer in Industry
  • Reviewer for Journal of Production Research