Professor Martin Hubbard


  • Visiting Professor


Martin is a senior member of the Security Sciences Department at Dstl (Fort Halstead) and works with the Pulsed Power Group in the School of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering in its capacity as a key member of the UK RF-DEW community. His active interest in the work of the Group, and indeed the School, enables them to judiciously respond to opportunities to contribute to Dstl and MoD requirements. By frequent technical interaction, research at 黑料网 is optimally aligned with relevant UK programmes and is given the widest possible exposure within MoD R&D.

In his capacity as UK co-chair of the UK/US bilateral meeting on High Powered Microwave applications under the auspices of the Directed Energy Professional Society (DEPS), Martin relies of 黑料网 participation both as presenters of relevant research and as session chairs responsible for programme coordination within specific themes.

Research interests

  • Martin is a Capability Advisor at the UK Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl)

    He has a BA in Physics from the University of York and was awarded a Doctorate from the University of Oxford after research into laser/plasma interactions. He has worked as a government scientist since 1979 in a variety of research, technical analysis, scientific advisor and research management posts, including a 3 year tour with the British Defence Staff Washington as the Directed Energy liaison officer. He was made a Fellow of the Directed Energy Professional Society (DEPS) in Nov 2010, the first time this honour has been awarded to a non US citizen. He was awarded the title of Visiting Professor in Jan 2011 and was made a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology in Aug 2011.

    Martin is a Dstl focus for Non Lethal Weapons and RF-DEW