
Cooling athletes with a spinal cord injury

Examining the scientific literature that addresses the application of cooling strategies in individuals with a SCI.

The Peter Harrison Foundation

Determining whether a player鈥檚 physical impairment or activity profile impacts on Wheelchair Rugby performance.

Wheelchair Rugby was originally developed for individuals with tetraplegia. However, recent changes to the International Wheelchair Rugby Federation (IWRF) classification system have meant that individuals with other physical impairments, such as cerebral palsy, multiple amputations and neuromuscular disease - are now eligible to compete.

Studies have shown IWRF classification to be closely related to the volume of activity elicited over a typical Wheelchair Rugby quarter. Yet, despite the noted thermoregulatory impairment of individuals with tetraplegia, no study to date has examined the combination of thermal strain of these players during match play and the associated activity profiles.

The purpose of this study was to determine whether a player’s physical impairment or activity profile was related to the amount of thermal strain experienced during Wheelchair Rugby match play.


17 elite Wheelchair Rugby players played a competitive match, whilst activity profiles, measures of core and skin temperature, heart rate and perceptual responses were recorded.

Players were divided into two groups depending on their physical impairment; players with a cervical spinal cord injury, (SCI, n=10) or non-spinal related physical impairments (NON-SCI, n=7).

Main findings and applications

  • The change in core temperature over the course of the match was significantly greater in SCI.
  • SCI experienced greater thermal strain than NON-SCI players despite covering ~17% less distance and pushing on average ~10% slower.
  • SCI were under a greater amount of thermal strain compared to their NON-SCI teammates mainly due to the reduction in heat loss capacity as a result of their impairment and not the amount of work performed.


  • Griggs KE, Havenith G, Price MJ, Mason BS, Goosey-Tolfrey VL. (2017). Thermoregulatory Reponses during Competitive Wheelchair Rugby Match Play. International Journal of Sports Medicine. Int J Sports Med. 2017 Feb 13. DOI: .