News from 2015

Special Issue: (edited by M. Antonsich and T. Matejskova), Ethnicities, 15(4), 2015.

Special Issue: (edited by M. Antonsich and L. Mavroudi), Fennia, 193(2), 2015.

Workshop convenor: Dr Marco Antonsich was invited to convene one of the three workshops organized by ASEN at their 25th annual conference (London School of Economics, 21-23 April 2015). The title of the workshop was: “Nation and diversity - on the possibilities and limits of a pluralist nation”

REF 2014:  studies on nationalism and migration submitted by LUNN members to the REF panel ‘Communication, Cultural and Media Studies’ were deemed ‘world leading’ – a great success for our colleagues in Social Sciences and LUNN.

New book: Dr Daniel Sage, (Ashgate)

Invited lecture: Professor Alan Bairner Sport, Nationalism and Scotland after 2014, British Sociological Association Annual Conference, Glasgow Caledonian University (Glasgow, April, 2015).

Meeting: Professor Susan Condor co-organizes (with Xenia Chryssochoou, Chiara Volpato, Christina Koulouri & Chantal Kesteloot) an EASP/COST Action Small Group Meeting on: Is fascism on the rise? A dialogue between social psychologists and historians on collective memory and the current revival of fascist ideologies ( Athens, May 2015).