Public lecture

Feminist Political Ecology and Ubuntu of Energy Poverty: Towards a Synthesis

  • 10 November 2022
  • 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
  • Virtual IAS

IAS Open Programme Fellow Dr Ellen Fungisai Chipango delivers a seminar on her research - 

While energy technologies are considered game changers for women’s livelihood and empowerment, there is little understanding of vulnerabilities that can leave women in a worse-off position despite having access to technology. With a view to debunking techno-utopianism, Dr Chipango draws on feminist political ecology to argue that addressing structural factors such as the market, socio-cultural as well as political-economic challenges and institutions needs to be the starting point.

Drawing on empirical qualitative research in Zimbabwe, Dr Chipango illustrates that energy poverty is more than a technological problem. She extends the argumentation through Ubuntu, an African ethic, to argue that energy poverty is an ethical struggle of freedom to relate communally and obligation to provide access to energy. Policy implications include the need to transcend individualist development, agency and accountability of actors and transformation of the society that goes beyond provision of energy technologies to one that guarantees redistribution for collective prosperity.

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IAS seminars are typically recorded, minus any Q&A sessions at the end, again to encourage contributions. The recordings are then uploaded to our website on a Fellows bio page and/or Programme page, along with our . If you are not able to attend a seminar live, please do still register as we will email everyone who registered to let them know once the recordings are made available.

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