16th Photovoltaic Science, Applications and Technology Conference - PVSAT-16

University of Salford, 6th - 8th April 2022.

The Photovoltaics Science, Applications and Technology (PVSAT) Conference is a 3-day event organised annually by the UK division of the International Solar Energy Society (). It is the UK's premier scientific event for solar photovoltaics (PV) where the latest advances in research and development are presented and discussed. PVSAT conferences address all PV technologies including crystalline silicon, inorganic thin film, multi-junction concentrators, perovskites and emerging organic and hybrid cells, together with installation, performance monitoring, durability and energy and environmental impacts. The conference includes an industry exhibition and each year, the programme features talks by several invited speakers from world-leading institutions in PV. 

PVSAT-16 Conference Themes
1. Crystalline silicon photovoltaics
2. Inorganic thin film photovoltaics
3. Perovskite photovoltaics
4. Tandem, multijunction and concentrator photovoltaics
5. Other excitonic and novel photovoltaics and new horizons in photovoltaics
6. Manufacturing processes and characterisation
7. Photovoltaic systems, components and grid integration
8. Performance measurements and field experience
9. Policy and environment issues, including economics, market development and life cycle analysis
10. Photodetectors
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