SuperSolar International and Industrial Engagement Fund - NOW OPEN

SuperSolar wishes to grow the PV research network and create solid partnerships with UK industry to assist commercialisation of research.

This can be achieved in a number of ways including direct secondments or exchanges. SuperSolar also wishes to encourage engagement with international research partners. This should accelerate research, access know-how and facilities, and learn from best practice developed by leading overseas laboratories. SuperSolar also seeks to encourage greater diversity in solar research and support activities tuned to the development of Early Career Researchers. Applications that address these criteria and demonstrate alignment with those goals are likely to score more highly.

All SuperSolar network and associate members are invited to submit proposals. The deadline for proposals is 5.00 pm on Monday 24th January 2022.

The following types of activities are examples of eligible projects:

UK Industry

  • Industry led problems addressed by a company/university partnership. Activities can include exchange of personnel, e.g. academic researcher to company site and/or industrial researcher to an academic site.
  • Feasibility studies involving industry that require consumables costs and occasional travel, but which may not necessarily involve periods of secondment. 
  • Market analysis and/or business case development in collaboration with an industrial partner.
  • Proof of concept / prototyping work in collaboration with an industrial partner.
  • Developing methods or tools with which industry/university partnerships can engage with the wider public or respond to societal needs.


  • Placement of a UK researcher at a leading international laboratory working on a project of common interest. 
  • Placement of an international researcher in a UK university (note that we would expect the visitor's salary to be continued to be paid by their home institution).
  • Funding to support international network development activities e.g. support to enable large scale, collaborative bids to be developed with international partners.
  • Fostering international industrial support - support to build new and strengthen existing industrial engagement with overseas companies. 
  • Feasibiility studies involving an overseas institution or company that require consumables costs and occasional travel, but which may not necessarily involve periods of secondment. 

UK Inter-University 

  • The UK has a strong academic base in photovoltaic research. In this call, we will accept proposals for short visits/secondments from one week up to 3 months for researchers to work and collaborate at another UK Institution.

To better enable researchers to formulate projects and complete applications for funding, SuperSolar hosted an online I&I Fund Workshop on Tuesday 7th December 2021. The slides from the session are available to download on the call website.

Please click for more information and application forms.