Calling all secondary schools! Take part in our study about food labelling

We are recruiting secondary schools to take part in a study to help us understand the impact of a new type of food label in school canteens.

We would like to learn more about whether a new type of food labelling affects young people’s purchasing of high calorie discretionary foods such as cakes and biscuits. This labelling is called physical activity calorie equivalent labelling. Its short name is PACE labelling. PACE labels show how many minutes of physical activity are equal to the number of calories in the food. Our previous research study found that some young people may find PACE labelling on food and drinks easier to understand than current labelling. It might help some young people choose healthier food and drinks and do more physical activity.

If you would like further information or if your school would like to take part, please visit our or contact Natalia Iris via email at