Student Profile

Peter Archibald

Using clinical demand and technological solutions to accelerate the adoption of Mesenchymal Stem Cell based therapies for simultaneous indications

PhD Supervisor(s): David Williams


PhD Summary

  • An EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Regenerative Medicine research project in collaboration with TAP Biosystems (Royston, UK), LGC Standards (Teddington, UK) & Institute for Stem Cell Therapy & Exploration of Monogenic Diseases (I-Stem) (Paris, France)
  • Comparison of manual and automated cell culture process steps- Examine the effects of Centrifugation & Non-Centrifugation process steps upon the growth and characteristics of hMSCs, Ruler hESCs & hiPSCs
    Measurements of growth, viability, Short Tandem Repeat Profile, surface marker expression, and functionality
  • Perform a mock Health Technology Appraisal (HTA) of Allogeneic Islet Transplantation using current and value-based appraisal methodologies, and examine the feasibility of the reimbursement of a pluripotent derived beta-cell therapy
  • Monitor future changes to the current UK reimbursement scheme
  • Adapt current healthcare product appraisal methods to account for the treatment of multiple indications

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