Hate crime

Hate crime is a term that鈥檚 used to describe a range of criminal offences which can be language or actions against you because of your disability, gender identity, race, sexual orientation, religion, or any other perceived difference.

These behaviours are motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a person's race or perceived race; religion or perceived religion; sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation; disability or perceived disability and any crime motivated by hostility or prejudice against a person who is transgender or perceived to be transgender.

Types of hate crime

There is no single type of hate crime, the behaviour can be a one-off event or a repeated occurrence this can include physical assault, verbal abuse, incitement of others to commit a hate crime, intimidation, online trolling, damaging property or harassment.

Practical advice and emotional support

If you’ve experienced hate crime, remember that it's not your fault. Hate crime can leave you feeling frightened, angry or lose trust in other community members.

There are some practical things that can help you feel safer.

  • Improve your basic home security. In Newham please contact Stay Safe East, or visit your local police station who can discuss safety measures with you.
  • Keep a note of all incidents related to the hate crime, including times, dates and details of what happened, you can download the evidence form from the related document section.
  • Speak to someone a friend or member of University staff, you can ask someone to accompany you, if you decide to report the crime to the police


Can I access support off campus?

You can contact Stay Safe East for help and support for deaf and disabled people: tel 0208 519 7241, SMS/text 0758 7134 122. 

If you are a victim of hate crime call the Redbridge Equalities and Community Council Hate Crime Hotline on: 020 8551 8178. Telephone service is open 6 pm- 12 pm midnight 7 days a week.

What can the university do to support me?

A Student Welfare team member can listen, provide you with emotional and practical support, and talk through options available for you. You can do this by completing a report on our Online Incident Reporting Portal.

If the person who has subjected you to hate crime is another student, you may wish to look at the university disciplinary procedures.