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Special General Assembly: Potential partnership with KSA

On 6 June, an extraordinary meeting of General Assembly was held to provide an opportunity for staff to find out more about the University’s potential partnership with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and to ask questions and share views.

The event was led by the Vice-Chancellor Professor Nick Jennings, and he was joined by the Provost Professor Chris Linton who provided an update on a proposition for developing a partnership with KSA.  

A recording of the presentation and slides are available for all staff to view on the  

Following the presentation, the Vice-Chancellor invited colleagues to ask questions and share views. Some key topics discussed and raised included environmental sustainability, alignment with our EDI ambitions, financial benefits and risks, the rights and freedoms of our staff and students, particularly those from the LGBT+ community and female staff, and the University’s reputation.  

After the discussion, , and members of the General Assembly had the opportunity to vote on this under General Assembly’s powers under Statute XV.5.  

This resolution received support from those attending and will therefore be received by Senate and Council at their next meetings. Senate and Council are obligated to note the resolution but are free to take a differing view. 

The limited amount of time meant it was not possible to answer all the questions colleagues in the room and online wished to ask. A thematic response to all the questions submitted through Vevox, the Q&A function on MS Teams, and those asked in the room will also be shared with staff in the coming weeks.  

We recognise that these discussions are highly sensitive and may be upsetting or experienced as harmful to some individuals and we want to reiterate that support is available to staff and students. 

Support for staff and students could be from the Chaplaincy or from our external partners Lisa Vine (Trans and non-binary sessions) and . Staff impacted are welcome to contact the Employee Assistance Programme and look at the staff wellbeing webpages. There is a range of support available to students including Student Wellbeing and Inclusivity.   
