Dynamics of spatio-temporal localized states in time-delayed systems

  • 28 May 2021
  • 14.00-15.00
  • Online - MS Teams

Presented by Svetlana Gurevich ( of Munster, Germany)

Abstract: Time-delayed systems describe a large number of phenomena and exhibit a wealth of interesting dynamical regimes such as e.g., fronts, localized structures or chimera states. They naturally appear in situations where distant, pointwise, nonlinear nodes exchange information that propagates at a finite speed. In this talk, we review our recent theoretical results regarding the existence and the dynamics of temporal, spatial and spatio-temporal localized structures in the output of semiconductor mode-locked lasers. In particular, we discuss dispersive effects which are known to play a leading role in pattern formation. We show that they can appear naturally in delayed systems and we exemplify our result by studying the influence of high order dispersion in a system composed of coupled optical microcavities


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