
This area covers a range of issues relating to our Security. Staff within this group seek out new methods and technologies to confront criminality.

Our research is often in collaboration with industry e.g. the novel finger print technology “Recover” in collaboration with Foster+Freeman. In addition, significant EU funding has been secured to develop new approaches within rescue efforts for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) incidents.

Professor Paul Kelly

Professor of Inorganic Chemistry and

Associate Dean (Enterprise)

Areas of interest

Novel Forensic Techniques; Main Group Synthesis

Recent Publication from the Kelly Group:

A comparative evaluation of the disulfur dinitride process for the visualisation of fingermarks on metal surfaces

S M Bleay, P F Kelly, R S P King, S G Thorngate

Dr Jim Reynolds

Senior Lecturer in Analytical Science

Areas of interest

ion mobility spectrometry; breath biomarkers; Analysis of glycerides in biofuels

Recent Publication from the Reynolds Group:

Transforming presumptive forensic testing: in situ identification and age estimation of human bodily fluids

S. Rankin-Turner, M. A. Turner, P. F. Kelly, R. S. King, J. C. Reynolds*

Dr Pooja Goddard

Senior Lecturer in Chemistry

Areas of interest

Computational studies of fundamental processes in complex materials at the atomic/quantum scale

Recent Publication from the Goddard Group:

Mechanistic insight into the fluorescence activity of forensic fingerprinting reagents

Hunnisett, L, Kelly, PF, Bleay, S, Plasser, F, King, R, McMurchie, B, Goddard, P

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Professor Paul Thomas

Professor of Analytical Science

Areas of interest

Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds

Recent Publication from the Thomas Group:

Systems mapping for technology development in CBRN response,

G Hancox , S Hignett , H Pillin , S Kintzios , J Silmäri , CLP Thomas