
Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering


16 Feb 2023

AACME students take home awards at the Academic Excellence Awards 2023

Vice Chancellor, Nick Jennings, student Olivia Mellon and Chris Reilly smiling at awards ceremony

This month the Vice-Chancellor and the Pro Vice Chancellor for Education and Student Experience hosted the Academic Excellence Awards Celebration dinner to recognise and reward top-performing students across the University.

Dr Simon Martin, Associate Dean for Teaching within the School, commented:

It was fantastic to celebrate our excellent students and get the chance to talk to them about their experiences so far.

The School of Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering saw 4 students take home awards: Olivia Mellon for Chemical Engineering, Sam Ferra and Ben Ferris for Aeronautical Engineering and Siobhan Sugrue for Biomaterials Engineering.

Olivia Mellon states:

I had a wonderful evening, it was clear a lot of effort had gone in to making it special. The other scholars and staff were all lovely and I thoroughly enjoyed their company

A huge congratulations to you all.